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The 21 Day Surrender Immersion

A POWERFUL and TRANSFORMATIONAL experience for the woman leader or coach who knows you are being called to and are ready for a supernatural encounter with God that will completely transform the way you do life, business, success and money. 

This special offer includes lifetime access to all 7 days
PLUS an additional 14 days for a full 21
 Day Surrender Immersion.


Join Me for 6 Months in The Miracle Oasis and get access to all my 
fundamental courses for only $111 per month
(Includes the 21 Day Surrender Immersion)
For over a decade, I have been sharing the extraordinary power of surrender with women all over the world, but even didn't I fully understood how truly powerful it was until I made the life-changing decision at the beginning of 2018 to surrender my life, my marriage, my family, my friendships/relationships, my business, my deepest desires, EVERYTHING... to God.

For over a decade, I've been guiding women across the globe to discover the extraordinary power of surrender.

But it wasn’t until I made the life-changing decision in early 2018 to surrender EVERYTHING—my life, my marriage, my family, my friendships, my business, my money, and all of my deepest desires—to God that I truly understood its power.

(Promise I'll share all the juicy details about that soon…)
But for now, what I most want you to know is that this one choice transformed my entire life, seemingly overnight, and it can do the same for you!

Since my first divine surrender experience back in 2018, I've found that this extraordinary superpower can be unlocked in as little as 10-20 mins a day with one simple step.  

You see, often times, the reason you feel like your prayers aren’t being answered and your desires aren’t manifesting is because you’re in the way. 

You want the business, but you’re trying to figure it all out on your own and making excuses about not having the knowledge, the skills, the credentials, or the (insert your excuse here) to take the necessary actions or sometimes you're even taking too much action (yes, there is such a thing as doing too much when you're acting without God's guidance). 

You want the money, but it has to come packaged exactly the way you want it in the exact amount we want at the exact time you want it without realizing that God sent manna from heaven in seed form, which means some work is required (but there's a delicate balance to surrender and action). 

You want the miracle, but you have your hands all in it, and God doesn’t even have room to work on your behalf. 

More often than not, it never even occurs to most people to slow down, take a step back, ask God to SHOW you the way, first, and then be patient enough to allow Him to give you His absolute best... in His time.

Because truth be told, the life God has planned for you is far greater and soooo much better than the one you have planned for yourself.

And all you have to do to access that limitless, miraculous life you crave is surrender the life you currently have, and the one you think you want, to God. 

What does it mean to surrender?  
Isn't that just giving up?
How can I just give up and do nothing?
How am I supposed to just sit back and expect God to do everything for me?
How do I know when to surrender and when to take action?

Or some other question similar to that.

People talk a lot about letting go and surrendering (although it is often rarely practiced), but they never really explain HOW (usually they don't really know themselves because they aren't truly living it).

In fact, most people don't choose to surrender until they have no other choice and even then, they're still half in and half out.

They never fully commit.

And no judgment here because I've unintentionally been one of those people at times.

But the thing is... everything this world teaches us is the exact opposite of surrender, when it is actually MEANT to be lived as a lifestyle and not just some sort of "I need You to rescue me, God" safety net we pull out when we can't figure things out on our own or our efforts aren't working anymore.  

And yes, I know surrender may not sound as sexy as all the other things people are talking about on social media like how you can make six or seven figures a day in your business or how you can live this luxurious billionaire lifestyle that looks good to strangers on the internet or whatever…

But you know what is sexy?

Living a beautiful, soft, simple, abundant life that feels as good to your soul and your nervous system as it looks from the outside, is authentic to who you truly are and is in alignment with what God truly desires FOR you, which I can tell you from experience is far better than anything you could ever dream or conceive of.

I can also tell you from experience, and even assure you, that surrender and trust works better and moves the needle in every area your life faster than anything you could ever do within your own power.

There is no better option or solution. There just simply is not.

And because EVERY woman was created to dream, create, and birth new life, every woman needs to know how to activate the Miraculous Power of Surrender to carry out her divine life’s purpose.

So, with that said...

The 21 Day Surrender Immersion is the sanctuary God and I co-created for you to:

💫Experience greater intimacy and a ride or die connection with God that will deepen and strengthen your faith so you can develop a relationship with safety, support, and trust you never knew was possible.

💫Open your mind and heart to God's vision for your life instead of trying to fit Him into yours or expecting Him to align with yours so you can truly impact the world in the way you were uniquely designed to.

💫Break chains, strongholds and generational curses off of your life, purpose, and finances and establish generational wealth and blessings in your bloodline.

💫Release blocks to receiving by releasing attachments to your desires, your life, your money, your business, etc. so you can open the floodgates and allow miracles to flow into your life

💫Surrender into the arms of God being infinitely supported in every moment so you can finally, allow an abundance and overflow of miracles to unfold beyond your wildest imagination.

💫Get out of routines of busyness and figuring things out (and out of your own way) stop trying to do things on your own that you should be making space for God to do THROUGH you.

💫Embody your true essence and identity so you can say goodbye to the hustle, the grind, the grasping, the chasing and the struggle for good and let God's grace for ease, flow, favor, provision, and success can be released in every area of your life.

If you're ready for all of that and more, join me for the 21 Day Surrender Immersion...

The problem is that it’s easier said than done, and it's actually the questions I get asked the most.

Surrender is a practice, and the more you do it, the easier it gets and the better you get at it. Similar to faith, it's like a muscle that develops and grows stronger the more you exercise it.  

The Ultimate Surrender Experience Includes:
21+ Hours of
Pre-recorded Content 

It's been said that it takes a minimum of 21 days to form a habit, so imagine how being fully immersed in surrender for 3+ weeks as opposed to only 7 days can and will support you in building a consistent practice. 

 A Month in the
Surrendered Life

Come behind the scenes with me as I share my heart, thoughts, and inspired, in-the-moment downloads to show you in real time how I incorporate surrender into every aspect of my daily life from self-care to sacred time with God to caring for my family to business.

Lifetime Access & Private Podcast

Have forever access to the entire 21 day experience with an exclusive private podcast to listen to the all the audios again and again whenever you need a refresher course on slowing down & letting go (as you likely will).

(Although the course audios are pre-recorded, we will have a live experience together in our exclusive Facebook community. PLUS... the podcast will include bonus content.)


Join Me for 6 Months in The Miracle Oasis and get access to all my 
fundamental courses for only $111 per month
(Includes the 21 Day Surrender Immersion)
What other Miraculous Women are saying about their past Surrender Experiences:

"What stood out most for me is the message that I’m on the right path with trusting God and the new direction he’s taking me in. It was a bit scary at first but now my certainty is affirmed. Thank you for this challenge Tiffany it came at the right time."

~ Kileha

"I have so many take aways but the one thing that has shifted me was the masculine/feminine energies and when to apply them... I applied it throughout my day today and what a great day I had... such a simple shift....

I have worked with you before Tiffany and it has always been very rewarding and knowledgeable... you truly have found your passion... thank you so much for proving to me that life can be so easy!!"

~ Christina

"I feel SO FREE and SUPPORTED when I surrender fully to God. Thank you for facilitating this process Tiffany & helping me to see this. I used to think surrendering means I will feel unsafe as it's uncertain, wobbly and I have no control. As it turns out, I feel the complete opposite!!!!" 

~ Elies

"My goodness -  I really had a tricky time with the word surrender, didn't I?? I had involuntarily surrendered so much of myself during my life that I could not wrap my head around surrendering to God. (I hope I wasn't too much trouble!)  When I finally caught on, it was the biggest a-ha! moment of my life." 

~ Paula

At the end of 21 days in this space immersing yourself in the extraordinary power of surrender…  

✨You will be able to hear and more clearly discern the voice of God and His daily instructions.

✨New paradigms will have been created around your identity in God, business, money and success

✨Your faith and trust in God will be unshakable because you will have the tools to shift any fear, worry or doubt in an instant

✨You will be irresistible to all the right people, circumstances and opportunities  

✨Creative ideas to make more money and create wealth will be flowing nonstop

✨You will decree a thing and know and trust that it WILL come to pass

✨You will have the confidence to fully embody (ALL OF) the Miraculous Woman God created you to be

✨You will see a reality that is completely unrecognizable, yet familiar because you've always known it was meant for you 

✨You will open the space for complete clarity and certainty on how to share your gifts and unique message without needing to follow anyone else's guidelines

✨You will allow yourself to be used as an open vessel for God's anointing and Holy Ghost fire to flow through so you can impact the world in the way only you can 

✨Your vibe will be so high from doing the work and being connected with your coach and other miraculous women on this journey, goodness and mercy and miracles will be chasing you down

And this is only the beginning!

If this is what you've been seeking, craving, praying for and maybe even scrolling social media looking for... you're in the right place.

Now, place your hand on your heart, take a few deep breaths and ask the Holy Spirit if you're ready for that next level you KNOW is meant for you.

If the answer is yes, I cannot wait to welcome you into this space. 

Miracles await you on the other side. ðŸŒ¸
The Ultimate Surrender Experience Includes:
  • The 21 Day Surrender Immersion 
  • Exclusive Private Podcast Experience 
  • Lifetime Access to Recordings & Private Telegram Group
  • Additional Coaching Bonuses 
Now Only $222


Join Me for 6 Months in The Miracle Oasis and get access to all my 
fundamental courses for only $111 per month
(Includes the 21 Day Surrender Immersion)

Miraculous Women International © 2024

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