The Miracle Oasis
Step into a profound and life-changing six month journey of miraculous unfoldment, embodiment and identity shifting for the Miraculous Woman who is ready to answer the divine calling on your life, align with God's divine plan, and transform every aspect of how you live, lead, and thrive in life, business, and beyond.
Hey There, Gorgeuous!
I'm so glad you're here!
And since you're here, I'd love it if you'd take a little journey with me for a moment.
Imagine a life where...
You know exactly how to pray, seek God, and trust Him to guide your every move concerning your business so you can feel confident taking aligned action and turning your amazing ideas into tangible successes.
You've fully embodied the essence of the miraculous woman and powerful leader God created you to be, stepping boldly into your calling with unshakable faith and confidence.
Your calling is crystal clear and you no longer question your ability to make a difference or achieve the millionaire income and impact you've always known you were destined for.
You're letting God flow through you in a way that you know exactly what to post on social media so you're using it as a powerful tool to connect with your audience instead of seeing it as a source of frustration.
You're showing up daily, sharing your message with the world, and effortlessly attracting those who are eager to engage with your content and offers.
You've accessed God's unique blueprint for your life and business and aligned your business goals with His purpose, completing every project with ease, fun and flow.
Your thriving coaching business and success are a reflection of your true potential, effortlessly attracting next level clients who align perfectly with your God-given gifts and what you know you were put on this earth to do.
You’re making a profound impact on your clients every day by showing up as your true, authentic self, allowing God to flow through you in a way that magnifies His presence, power, and anointing in everything you say and do.
You feel deeply fulfilled and wealthy from doing work you love, embracing the reality of creating abundance and success while making the job that once seemed safer a distant memory.
You're surrounded by an amazing community of leaders who understand your journey and uplift, support and celebrate you every step of the way, making your journey both rewarding and collaborative.
This will be your reality when you master the art of surrender and truly letting go and letting God lead in every area of you life.
You think the key to unlocking your next level is figuring out what to say on social media to get clients, hustling harder, or doing more, but the real challenge isn’t about doing more.
It’s about BE-ing more...
Aligning more.
It’s about deciding to stand in faith and TRUTH and in your power (even when nothing seems to be working), fully surrendering to God’s plan, and embodying your God-given identity while understanding that they are the keys to unlocking miracles in every area of your life and business.
And thanks to A LOT of struggle in my life, trial and error, and my insatiable hunger for the things of God and learning in general, I know a thing or two about surrendering it ALL to Him AND unlocking and manifesting miracles.
Okay, let's be honest, I'm really quite gifted at it, actually.
Not only that, but my superpower is teaching other women how they too can activate these miraculous superpower in their own lives.
So, you're definitely in the right place if you're a purpose-driven woman, leader, or coach who feels a deep calling to build a life and business rooted in faith and God's guidance.
The world will tell you you need to work harder, do all the things, and invest in all their cookie-cutter systems and strategies.
But more systems and strategies are not what you need.
You need to learn how to fully trust God’s perfect plan.
And there is a beautiful place God and I co-created for you to do that.
🌸 The Miracle Oasis 🌸
~ Paula
As the word OASIS implies and is defined...
An oasis is a heavenly, fertile spot in the desert where water is found, and a pleasant peaceful area or period in the midst of a difficult and troubled or hectic place or situation.
The Miracle Oasis is a sanctuary for you to come to receive and just BE for a change.
A supernatural realm that unleashes newfound powers to create infinite possibilities, opportunities, circumstances and a life beyond your wildest imagination.
A reservoir of healing and community to support you in being seen, heard, felt, understood, loved, honored, valued and celebrated for all that you are.
An intimate container where you get to explore and adopt the habits and practical yet supernatural ways miraculous women effortlessly manifest their extraordinary lives entirely from space of flow, zero hustle required.
A sacred space where you will be constantly reminded of your divinity, your miraculousness, and what's possible for you when you embody your true essence, own your power, and unleash the goddess within.
A divine invitation to return to your truth as the amazing badass who not only believes in and creates MIRACLES but recognizes that YOU ARE the miracle, YOU ARE the catalyst, YOU ARE the portal. That YOU possess the power to create worlds, and EVERYTHING God has for you flows through YOU.
A life-changing opportunity for activation and integration at the deepest level that will allow you to experience an entirely new normal.
A special place for you to feel safe to slow down, safe to ask for help, and safe to surrender and let go.
For you to relax into the arms of God, to rest, to BREATHE, to flow.
For you to be guided and supported every step of the way by someone who lives and breathes this work.
For you to be fully, authentically and unapologetically YOU.
You will be immersed in the word of God and everything I've learned from my decade+ of experience building social media communities on multiple platforms, and running a successful coaching business... and not just the glitz and the glam, but the good, the bad and the ugly too.
I will hold nothing back, including what has worked for me and what hasn't, what mistakes I've made, how I've learned from them, and how I've used them as stepping stones to propel me forward.
I'll let you in on all of my most best prayer and manifesting practices, tips, tools, techniques and resources that will allow you to collapse years into months, months into weeks, weeks into days and make you irresistible to all that you desire.
I will show you in real time how I'm re-building my business every step of the way while walking with you, supporting you and holding space for you as you build and grow and up level your own life and business.
We will do the deep alignment work together to unlearn and rewire your beliefs around how business "should" be done, so you can unlock God's unique blueprint for success and co-create with Him the freedom, wealth and legacy you know was meant for you.
I will be sharing advanced methods that I have spent tens of thousands of dollars to learn (and tons of time and energy testing, implementing, and perfecting) over the past decade that have helped me create a life I used to pray for and write about in my journal.
I will remind you day after day who you are and speak to your power so you can BE the woman you know God created you to be, own your Truth, and surrender to that power.
Because when you deny that power, what you are being called to do, and what feels aligned with your spirit, over time you disconnect from who God created you to be.
And in the process...
You stop allowing love.
You stop allowing joy.
You stop allowing peace.
You stop allowing money.
You stop allowing flow.
You cut yourself off from everything you desire.
And when this happens, contrary to popular belief, the answer is not to force, to fight, to figure it out and to strive more.
The answer is to pause. To breathe. To connect. To surrender.
That is the work we do together, and I demonstrate for you how life gets to be easy.
So... you could continue doing what you've been doing and keep hoping, wishing and praying for "someday".
OR you can take full responsibility for your future and start creating what you know you desire and deserve NOW.
The choice is yours, beautiful...
But I'm inviting you to come and learn with me, and journey with me as your life, love, business, wealth, purpose, identity, flow, and most importantly YOU and your walk with God become all that God created you and it to be.

The Miracle Oasis is THE place for women leaders and coaches to...
🌸Deepen your faith, knowledge, and understanding of surrender and what it looks like to fully trust and depend solely on God's guidance, support, favor and provision in every area of your life and business.
🌸Get clarity on what God's purpose and vision is for your ministry/business, the message you’re meant to share and monetize, the legacy you’re meant to leave, and what you desire to create for your life outside of your business.
🌸Shift your current identity and embody the woman who walks in faith, speaks with authority, and freely pours love into the lives of others from her miraculous overflow.
🌸Journey with me as I rebuild my business in real time and model for you how to do business (sales, marketing, social media, audience growth, branding, content & offer creation, etc.) money, and success God's way
🌸End the cycle of being a slave to your job or business and opening the space to expand and grow exponentially by BEING, rather than constantly doing.
🌸Know how to powerfully price your offers so instead of undercharging you can experience overflow by charging appropriately for the transformation your service provides and have dream clients lining up, ready to pay.
🌸Decide what truly lights you up and feels most aligned for you while still getting out of your comfort zone so you can unlock your unique and divine blueprint of what to do daily, weekly, and monthly to accomplish your goals without feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and burnout.
🌸Uncover and demolish your money blocks, limiting beliefs, and the bs stories you’ve been conditioned to believe your entire life and open your receiving channels to allow the abundance that is meant for you to pour through
🌸Rewire you neural pathways to create a bulletproof mindset and nervous system, so no matter what life throws your way, you're able to withstand any challenge with grace and trust clearing your path to true peace, love, success, wealth, and happiness.
🌸Discover the things you’re doing in your life daily (you’re likely not even aware of) that are draining your energy, remove them from your life for good, and set boundaries so you can raise your vibration and open yourself to receive what you actually want instead of what you don't.
🌸Get an exclusive behind the scenes look at the way I continually give over every aspect of my life, (marriage, motherhood, homeschooling 4 children all while running a successful business) to God so I can continue to live a soft, surrendered, slow, flow life that I don't always feel like I need a vacation from (and even when I do, I have the time and financial freedom to take one whenever I want).
And much, much more!
This program was created for YOU...the woman who knows deep down:
✔️You are a woman after God's own heart, and first and foremost, you desire a deeper connection and to truly live your life for Him, but you haven't been taking the time to nurture and cultivate that intimacy your spirit craves.
✔️You have a divine purpose and call on your life, but you’re not fully living and expressing it.
✔️You’re meant to be, do, and have MORE, but you’re hiding/playing small (and you may not even realize you're doing this).
✔️You have gifts that are meant to help others, but you just don’t know how to put yourself out there... and quite honestly, you’re afraid of how other will respond.
✔️You are in this world but not of it, so you're meant to be doing life and business God's way instead of the world's way.
✔️You’ll be a millionaire “someday”, but you have no idea how to get there from where you are now
And the longer it takes to "get there" the more you feel like it's sucking the life out of you.
Something has to change, and it begins with you making a decision TODAY!
Because the more time you waste trying to “figure it out” on your own and battling with your ego about whether you’re good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, skilled enough, skinny enough or whatever enough to do what you were already CHOSEN, DESIGNED and CREATED to do, the longer it can potentially take for the people you are assigned to to get their breakthrough...
And that’s really, really selfish!
But even if you did decide to be selfish for just a moment, it's also keeping you from all the miracles that should be happening in your life right now.
All of that stops the moment you join this program...
Got it?
Because there are more than enough people in the world sitting on their gifts wondering why they don't have the money they want, why they can't accomplish the goals they've set, or feeling like God just isn't answering their prayers.
When what's really happening is that God is challenging you, pushing you, and showing you that you need to get out of your comfort zone (and your own way), so He can give you exceedingly and abundantly above all that you've ever asked for or thought of.
But here’s the trade off...
❌ You don't get to keep making excuses.
❌ You don't get to settle for less than you deserve.
❌You don’t get to stay in your comfort zone.
❌ You don't get to choose fear over expansion.
❌ You don’t get to abandon yourself or your dreams.
❌ You don't get to continue playing small, worrying about what everyone else is going to think.
❌ You don't get to stay the same.
It’s time to do what you were placed on this earth to do.
It’s time to show the world the REAL YOU!
It's time to level the eff up!
And I’m here to support you every step of the way...
Here's how it all goes down...
⭐️Live trainings, workshops, courses, and/or challenges that will be light and fun while diving deep into topics like surrender, identity, vision, overcoming fear, your Divine Feminine Power, how to reprogram your subconscious mind, nervous system regulation, vibrational frequency, setting and smashing your goals and of course all things manifesting, money, and miracles!
Every week you’ll receive some sort of communication from me… a mix of written, audio, and/or video content... inspired, in-the-moment downloads, trainings, masterclasses, activations, etc., all Holy Spirit led and entirely from the energy and space of surrender and flow.
I will share some of the most intimate details of my world… like how I am able to:
✨ support my family as a full time homeschool mom and wife
✨ support my tribe, my clients, and run my business as a successful entrepreneur AND
✨ have the freedom to wake up whenever I want
✨ travel/take vacation whenever I want
✨ do only what lights me up every single day
I’ll also be pulling back the curtain on:
💫 the daily practice I started in January that pulled me out of the worst slump I’d been in in years
💫 how I freed myself from crippling anxiety I’d been dealing with since 2020
💫 how I run my business completely from the energy of love, surrender, fun, ease and flow
💫 how I maintain my faith and alignment even when circumstances aren’t favorable
💫how I keep money consistently flowing into my life whether I’m working or not
⭐️You'll have unlimited, daily access to me, your coach and mentor, through our exclusive Facebook community so you can...
~ get all your burning questions answered about anything from spirituality to marriage/relationships to your business
~ allow me to use my intuitive gifts to help you transform every area of your life and feel fully supported as you move through the lessons
~ do the practical and inner work to grow personally, spiritually, and financially all while building and growing your business.
⭐️PLUS... as a bonus, you'll get instant access to all my signature courses and masterclasses I've taught in the past few years including...
The 21 Day Surrender Immersion
The Miracles Era Masterclass & Activation
The Miraculous Flow Experience
Miracle Activation (This course has been revamped and will be added by November. I may even run it live.)
The Miracle Oasis (Instant access to everything I've taught in the first 6 months of 2024.)
You'll also receive any fundamental trainings, workshops and masterclasses I create and sell outside The Miracle Oasis at no additional cost.
This is thousands of dollars in value.
⭐️ There is a minimum of 6 months commitment, to allow you plenty of time and space to dive into all the content, and get tangible, SUSTAINABLE results.
Even if you stayed in this membership for an entire year, you still would not have paid for the cost of each of these courses individually or the value of this program.
Plus, being with me and a community of other extraordinary miraculous women in this vortex of miracle creating energy… priceless!
Here's what some of my awesome clients have had to say...
"What can I say about Tiffany that will do this woman justice. because the words "amazing", "enlightening", "inspiring", "helpful"- they just don't cut it. I think the closest thing I can come up with is "born to do this work". I LOVED, LOVED working with her and you can tell she lives, breathes, and sleeps helping entrepreneurs.
Tiffany took the time to understand my concerns, needs, and wants as a client from the get-go which made me more comfortable and open to receiving feedback and making changes in my life. Before I began working with Tiffany, I was sad, frustrated, annoyed, and just flat out burned out with a lot of things in my life.
Since I've worked with Tiffany, I've not only become a happier human being (you can ask my fiancée), butI've made shifts in my business so that I'm creating a company that I love on my own terms! I wake up excited to work now! "The Miracles Coach" is the perfect name for Tiffany. She is truly a miracle to work with in all senses of the word."
I participated in a group course, Money & Miracles Unleashed with Tiffany in 2017. Her personal attention and the course materials were more than anything I could have ever expected.
I wasn't sure what I would do after the course - but I shifted and grew so much there was no way I could not use what I'd learned through the teachings and about myself so, you know me, I can't quite follow the crowd, instead of using the word "coach" I've dubbed myself an Intuitive Life Guide... I coach because Tiffany opened doors for me that I didn't even know existed.
I also attracted $30,000.00 into my life - TOTALLY UNEXPECTED - and I think she is as thrilled as I am. This woman is definitely Heaven-sent!If you have an opportunity to work with Tiffany, do NOT pass it by!
A few months ago I was blessed with joining paths with Tiffany. As soon as I heard her voice on the phone I felt my energy level soar to a brand new level. Since that day my energy has remained strong and every time we speak on the phone it seems to refill my manifesting tank.
I am on the very edge of taking my business to a million dollar level and this is because Tiffany has shown me that I have the power within myself to control when miracles happen in my life. I do not wait for them, I create them. Tiffany has changed my life and she can do the same for you. Change your life, it is just one phone call away. I know Tiffany will be in my life for a very long time and I am so excited for the amazing mountains we are going to move in the future."
Tiffany is like no other coach I've seen! She really truly cares about her clients and their success. After working with Tiffany, I immediately saw a shift in myself and my own coaching business. With her help, I have been so much more clear on who I am and what will truly make me happy and fulfilled. As a result, I've been able to manifest amazing things in my life that really feel true and authentic to me.
With months of no action in my business and only a few weeks working together, I was able to get 4 discovery calls in one week and 2 new clients. I have never had results like that working with anyone else! She is such a breath of fresh air in this industry and I feel absolutely blessed to work with her. Tiffany has forever helped me to constantly receive miracles in ALL areas of my life. If you want to work with a coach who will help you tap into YOU and get you the miracles YOU want to see in your life, Tiffany is your girl!”
And just a few additional side effects my clients have experienced...
✨New paradigms being created around God, business/money, and your identity.
✨Irresistibility to all the right people, circumstances and opportunities
✨Creative ideas to make more money and create wealth will be flowing nonstop
✨Unshakable faith to decree a thing and know and trust that it WILL be established
✨Confidence to fully embody (ALL OF) the Miraculous Woman God created you to be
✨Seeing a reality that is completely unrecognizable, yet familiar because you've always known it was meant for you
✨Opening the space for complete clarity and certainty on how to share your gifts and unique message without needing to follow anyone else's guidelines
✨Allowing yourself to be used as an open vessel for God's anointing and Holy Ghost fire to flow through so you can impact the world in the way only you can
✨A vibe so high from doing the work and being connected with your coach and other miraculous women on this journey, goodness and mercy and miracles will be chasing you down
✨Manifesting tens of thousands of dollars out of thin air.
✨A relationship/marriage that sets your soul on fire... even if you're already in one that's not going so well.
✨New love relationships, proposals, marriages and miracle babies.
✨Calling in the most amazing, soul mate clients right to your inbox asking you how they can pay and work with you.
✨Building a tribe of awesome and loyal clients who come back and work with you again and again.
✨Spiritually activating the miraculous flow of money in your life so you never have to worry about bills or your needs being met.
✨Increasing credit scores, even after foreclosures and bankruptcies.
So, yeah... that’s everything!
I could go on and on, but you already know if this is for you.
So, I’ll just wrap up with this (in case for some reason you’re still on the fence)...
This is not just some basic monthly membership...
This is a divine assignment.
You’ve been called to this moment for a reason.
The Miracle Oasis is here to help you create a life and business that doesn’t just look good to people on social media, but feels good to your soul and is truly aligned and miraculous.
You already have what you need inside of you to accomplish everything you've ever dreamed of, but that doesn't mean you have to do it alone.
As your coach, mentor and guide, I will be here to help you remember who you are and Who's you are and give you the information and tools I've used and that I believe will help you stay committed through the process, focused on the vision, and in flow while taking the actions necessary so you can take what you do, how you do it, and how much you get paid for it to the next level!
I am confident in the work I do.
I am confident in my ability to help you make more money and build a life and business that you're proud of, obsessed with, and excited to wake up to.
I am confident that the value of this program far surpasses your investment.
And lastly and most importantly, I am confident that if you apply the things you learn, your life will be better than anything you could have ever conceived of.
In a nutshell, I’m sharing with you every detail about the practical steps and actions I took to grow my business without "working hard", AND all of my miracle manifesting secrets that have allowed me to manifest tens of thousands of dollars every year whether I'm working or not.
Everything I'll be teaching you month after month will be laying the foundation and building momentum to not only create miracles in your life and business day in and day out, but to maintain them as well.
But this won't be just another course created to feed you a bunch of fluff and information.
This is SO much bigger than that.
This is about you experiencing transformation in every area of your life.
This is about uncovering your divine design, raising your vibration, and opening yourself to receive the abundance God has prepared for you.
This is about boldly and powerfully stepping into your new chapter and Era of Miracles.
This is your season and time to fully embody your calling and create the miraculous life and business you were destined to have.
Imagine ending the cycle of fear, anxiety, frustration, overwhelm, burnout, and doubt.
Instead, picture yourself expanding by BE-ing rather than constantly doing.
Picture yourself pricing your offers with confidence, knowing you’re worth every penny.
Picture a life of ease, flow, and divine alignment.
It's all available to you now, my love.
All you have to do is step in.
I can’t wait to share with you all that God has been revealing to me over the past few months.
I can't wait to see what He does in you, through you, and all around you in the next six months.
In fact, God can do more for you in the next six months than you have done or could do in six years on your own.
He’s done it countless times in my life and in the lives of so many of my clients.
It’s time to take the limits off of God and allow Him to transform your life and business with supernatural speed.
Instant Access to 5 Courses & Masterclasses
50+ Hours of Activation Audios
Access to Upcoming Live Trainings &
Any New Courses & Masterclasses Created
Private FB Community
Valued at over $2500
Plus save over $100 when you pay in full!
$111 monthly for 6 months
The Miracle Oasis is where your deepest dreams and desires meet divine design and destiny.
If you're feeling called to that, hit the button below to get started!
Miraculous Women International © 2024